Athlete’s Foot

A patient with a foot infection

Athlete’s foot can appear in between your toes as itchy, red, sore skin. Or it can appear on the sole of your foot or around the edges of your heels as dry, scaly patches. It could even be a watery odd shaped blister in your arch which can feel quite painful. At Foot Talk Podiatry…

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Ingrowing Toenails

Judith Cowling Podiatrist treating a patient with nail problems at Foot Talk Podiatry

Ingrowing toenails are one of the most painful things to have wrong with your feet. They don’t get better for ignoring. They muddle along and then suddenly they become agony. Foot Talk Podiatry has dealt with hundreds of these in our clinic in Ripponden over the years. We can often offer a quick fix to…

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Painful Corns

Painful corns

Most of the population will not know what a corn looks like. But if you have a corn that is painful, it will be such a blight on your everyday life, that it will feel like it has become a part of you. Here at Foot Talk Podiatry we understand your pain! We can help…

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A patient with chilblains on the toes

January has been an interesting month in our Ripponden Podiatry surgery. The variety in the weather has caused a later than usual surge in chilblains. One day last week I had 6 people come in to the surgery with them, all wondering why this month their feet were more painful than usual. What are Chilblains? Chilblains are sore, rather than…

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